郝彩哲,宋晓明,王 东,贾志宁.对称多孔孔板差压式流量计计量性能试验研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(5):174-180
Experimental study on measurement performance of symmetricalmulti-hole orifice pressure differential flowmeter
中文关键词:  多孔孔板  差压  计量性能  实流试验
英文关键词:multi-hole orifice  differential pressure  metrological performance  flow test
郝彩哲 1. 承德石油高等专科学校 河北省仪器仪表工程技术研究中心 
宋晓明 1. 承德石油高等专科学校 河北省仪器仪表工程技术研究中心 
王 东 2. 承德菲时博特自动化设备有限公司 
贾志宁 1. 承德石油高等专科学校 河北省仪器仪表工程技术研究中心 
Hao Caizhe 1. Chengde Petroleum College, Hebei instrument & Meter Engineering Technology Research Center 
Song Xiaoming 1. Chengde Petroleum College, Hebei instrument & Meter Engineering Technology Research Center 
Wang Dong 2. Fischer & Porter Limited 
Jia Zhining 1. Chengde Petroleum College, Hebei instrument & Meter Engineering Technology Research Center 
摘要点击次数: 315
全文下载次数: 1059
      多孔孔板差压式流量计因其快速平衡调整流场和有效降低压力损失等能力得到广泛应用,但其尚缺乏完整的结构参数 设计和性能优化设计准则。 针对提出的对称多孔孔板差压式流量计进行实流试验,研究其计量性能并与数值模拟结果进行对 比分析,结果表明,对称多孔孔板差压式流量计可有效提高计量精度(±0. 5%)、降低压力损失,具有更好的适应性,试验结果与 数值模拟结果具有一致性,验证了数值模拟的正确性并对新型流量计进行了标定,研究结果可有效拓宽多孔孔板流量计的应用 范围。
      Multi-Hole orifice pressure differential flowmeter has been widely used due to this ability to quickly adjust the flow field and effectively reduce pressure loss, but it still lacks complete structural parameter design and performance optimization design criteria. In this paper, the actual flow test of the proposed symmetric porous orifice differential pressure flowmeter is carried out, and its measurement performance is compared with the numerical simulation results. The results show that the symmetric porous orifice differential pressure flowmeter can effectively improve the measurement accuracy ( ± 0. 5%), reduce pressure loss, have better adaptability. Test results are consistent with numerical simulation results, verify the correctness of numerical simulation and calibrate the new flowmeter, the research results can effectively broaden the porous orifice flowmeter The scope of application.
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