Solid particle velocity measurement method based on planar array capacitive sensor
中文关键词:  颗粒局部平均速度  平面阵列式电容  空间滤波效应  气固两相流
英文关键词:local average velocity of particles  planar array capacitor  spatial filtering effect  gas-solid two-phase flow
王睿怀 1. 内蒙古建筑职业技术学院 机电与暖通工程学院 
高鹤明 2. 西安理工大学机械与精密仪器工程学院 
Wang Ruihuai 1. College of Mechanical Electrical Heating and Ventilation Engine, Inner Mongolia Technical College of Construction 
Gao Heming 2. School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering,Xi’ an University of Technology 
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      颗粒流动速度是反应气固两相流动状况的重要参数,提出一种全新的基于平面阵列式电容传感器的固体颗粒速度测量 方法。 首先利用三维电磁场仿真软件 Ansoft 对传感器建模,获取其空间轴向灵敏度的基础上,对其空间滤波特性进行理论分 析,并得到了速度测量的数学关系式。 在此基础上,设计了一套基于平面阵列式电容传感器测量固体颗粒速度的系统,并在重 力输送实验装置上进行了实验验证。 实验结果表明,颗粒流动速度 1 ~ 3 m/ s 时,颗粒速度与传感器输出信号频谱宽度呈线性 关系,测量相对误差低于 9%, 测试系统重复性误差优于 11%。
      The particle flow velocity is an important parameter of gas-solid two-phase flow. This paper presents a new method for measuring solid particle velocity based on planar array capacitive sensors. Firstly, the 3D electromagnetic field simulation software Ansoft is used to model the sensor, and the spatial axial sensitivity is obtained. Based on the distribution of the axial sensitivity, the spatial filtering characteristic of planar array capacitive sensors is investigated, and the mathematical expression of the velocity measurement is derived. Then a measurement system based on planar array capacitive sensor for measuring the velocity of solid particles is designed and experimentally evaluated on the gravity transport experimental device. The experimental results indicate that the particle velocity is linear with the spectral width of the sensor output signal when the particle flow velocity is between 1 m/ s and 3 m/ s. The relative error of the velocity measurement is less than 9%, and the repeatability error of the test system is within 11%.
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