Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control strategyof ground automatic passing neutral section system
中文关键词:  自动过分相  故障诊断  容错
英文关键词:automatic passing neutral section  fault diagnosis  fault-tolerant control
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51577166, 51637009, 51827810)资助项目
何亚屏 1. 浙江大学电气工程学院,2. 株洲中车时代电气股份有限公司 
方攸同 1. 浙江大学电气工程学院 
吴丽然 2. 株洲中车时代电气股份有限公司 
马吉恩 1. 浙江大学电气工程学院 
胡家喜 2. 株洲中车时代电气股份有限公司 
He Yaping 1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,2. Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co. , LTD 
Fang Youtong 1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University 
Wu Liran 2. Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co. , LTD 
Ma Jien 1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University 
Hu Jiaxi 2. Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co. , LTD 
摘要点击次数: 724
全文下载次数: 836
      电气化接触网采用单相工频、分相供电方式,供电臂、中性区等电信号的获取是确保列车自动过分相的基础。 针对传感 器绝缘老化等问题导致的电信号测量回路故障,提出地面自动过分相测量回路故障诊断及容错控制方法。 该法基于供电臂、中 性区等不同测量回路的机理分析,给出了基于回路信息相互校核的自动过分相测量回路故障诊断方法,并依据不同测量回路的 故障特征,构造了相应的容错控制方案。 最后,利用仿真和实际工程示范项目运行结果表明所提方法的有效性与可行性。 关键词: 自动过分相;故障诊断;容错
      The catenary is powered by single-phase industrial-frequency power dividing into multiple sections, the acquisition of power feeder voltage, neutral-section voltage and other electrical signals are the foundation to ensure the train automatic-passing the neutralsection. Aiming at the fault of electrical signal measuring circuit caused by sensor insulation aging, the fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control method of ground automatic passing neutral-section’s measuring circuit is proposed. Based on the mechanism analysis of different measuring circuits, such as power feeders and neutral-section, this method gives a fault diagnosis method based on the mutual check of circuit information, and constructs the corresponding fault-tolerant control scheme according to the fault characteristics of different measuring circuits. Finally, the results of simulation and practical project show the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method.
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