吉 勇,屠大维,张 旭,李 晨.水下主动激光扫描系统中光场记录及散射背景分离研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(5):58-64
Research on light field recording and scattering backgroundseparation in underwater active laser scanning system
中文关键词:  主动激光扫描  散射背景分离  光场成像  重聚焦  差分
英文关键词:active laser scanning  scattering background separation  light field imaging  refocusing  difference
吉 勇 1. 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院 
屠大维 1. 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院 
张 旭 1. 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院 
李 晨 2. 华中科技大学 机械科学与工程学院 
Ji Yong 1. School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University 
Tu Dawei 1. School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University 
Zhang Xu 1. School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University 
Li Chen 2. School of Mechatronic Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
摘要点击次数: 376
全文下载次数: 771
      传统水下主动激光扫描系统采用普通相机对反射光接收记录,反射激光点被掩埋在背景噪声中无法分离,影响成像质 量。 该文在水下激光主动扫描成像系统中采用光场相机记录了包括激光反射光线和各种散射背景杂光的位置和方向信息,为 抑制散射背景杂光提供了可能。 在后续光场记录图像处理中,首先,对记录的光场图像进行前后两次重聚焦,第一次是对激光 照射到物面激光光点的重聚焦,第二次是对激光光点前景散射光的重聚焦,再对两幅图像进行差分处理;提出一种计算机自动 判断流程,使得差分所得图像上激光点的衬度最大,或足够大。 实验结果表明,上述方法可以达到较好的散射背景抑制作用,是 对现有同步扫描主动激光成像系统空间分离散射背景抑制技术的必要补充。
      The traditional underwater active laser scanning system uses ordinary camera to receive and record reflected light. The reflected laser point is buried in the background noise and cannot be separated, which affects the image quality. In this paper, the position and direction information of laser reflected light and scattered background stray light are recorded by light field camera in underwater laser active scanning imaging system, providing the possibility to suppress scattering background stray light. In the subsequent processing of light field recording image. Firstly, the recorded light field images are refocused twice. The first is the refocusing of the laser light spot on the object surface and the second is the refocusing of the scattered light in the foreground of the laser light spot. Then, the differential processing is applied to the two refocusing images, and a computer automatic judging process is proposed to make the contrast of laser point on the differential image maximum or large enough. The experimental results show that the above method can effectively suppress the scattering background, and it will be a necessary supplement to the existing space separation scattering background suppression technology of synchronous scanning active laser imaging system.
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