陈 阳,薛 彬.基于阻抗突变测量的海水漏油监测方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(5):23-28
Research on seawater oil spill monitoring basedon impedance mutation measurement
中文关键词:  阻抗测量  四电极  漏油监测
英文关键词:impedance measurement  four-electrode  oil spill monitoring
基金项目:天津市自然科学基金(18JCYBJC17100)、国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1401203)、天津市自然科学基金 (19JCQNJC01700)资助项目
陈 阳 1.天津大学 海洋科学与技术学院 
薛 彬 1.天津大学 海洋科学与技术学院 
Chen Yang 1.School of Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University 
Xue Bin 1.School of Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University 
摘要点击次数: 838
全文下载次数: 778
      海上漏油监测日益重要,但现有的各种方法多用于大型漏油事故的监测。 针对水下小型漏油和漏油初期监测,提出利 用 USB 数据线微型 USB 端的 4 个针脚作为电极测量阻抗,通过阻抗的突变表明检测到油滴,即实现海水漏油监测。 在盐水中 测量 400 次阻抗的标准差为 0. 058 Ω。 分别对汽油、柴油、润滑油 3 种油类和盐水进行区分,从盐水到油中阻抗的变化增量最少 为 418%,响应时间小于 0. 19 s。 此方法可以实现对海水中漏油的高灵敏、快速监测,未来有着广阔的应用前景。
      The monitoring of offshore oil spills is becoming increasingly important, but the various methods available are mostly used in the monitoring of large-scale oil spills. In view of the monitoring of underwater small oil spills and initial oil spills, this paper proposes to use the four pins at the micro USB end of the USB data cable as electrodes to measure the impedance, and the mutation of the impedance indicates the detection of oil droplets, that is, the monitoring of seawater oil spills is realized. The standard deviation for measuring 400 impedances in salt water is 0. 058 Ω. The three types of oil (gasoline, diesel and lubricating oil) and salt water were distinguished, and the impedance change from salt water to oil increased by at least 418% and the response time was less than 0. 19 seconds. This method can realize the high-sensitive and rapid monitoring of oil spills in seawater, and has a broad application prospect in the future.
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