李 洋,瞿剑苏,李鸿儒.大型火箭橇位置参数测量方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(5):16-22
Method for measuring position parameter of large rocket sled
中文关键词:  超长尺寸测量  组网  权值分配  Levenberg-Marquard 算法
英文关键词:ultra-long size measurement  networking  weight allocation  Levenberg-Marquard algorithm
李 洋 1.航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所 
瞿剑苏 1.航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所 
李鸿儒 1.航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所 
Li Yang 1.AVIC Beijing Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement 
Qu Jiansu 1.AVIC Beijing Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement 
Li Hongru 1.AVIC Beijing Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement 
摘要点击次数: 268
全文下载次数: 950
      针对火箭橇超长尺寸位置参数的高精度测量需求,设计了一种采用激光跟踪仪与全站仪的协同组网测量方法。 该方法 集成两种仪器各自优势满足测量需求。 同时引入坐标控制场用来构建约束场,建立约束方程。 采用加权融合的方法优化权值, 采用 Levenberg-Marquard 寻优算法求解方程组的最优解。 做了现场条件下的试验并采用与基准尺标准长度比对的方法对精度 进行了分析验证。 结果表明,在 3 km 范围内测量误差保持在 3 mm,实现了高精度、高效率的对超长距离位置信息进行测量。
      In order to meet the high-precision measurement requirements of the ultra-long position parameters of rocket skids, a collaborative network measurement method using a laser tracker and a total station was designed, which can integrate the advantages of the both systems. The coordinate control field is introduced to construct the constraint field and the constraint equation. The weights are used to optimize the weights, and the Levenberg-Marquard optimization algorithm is used to solve the optimal solution of the equations. Tests were performed under field conditions and the accuracy was analyzed and compared with the standard length of the reference ruler. The results show that the measurement error is kept at 3 mm within the range of 3 km, which realizes high-precision and high-efficiency measurement of ultra long distance position information.
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