卜乙禄,李 琦,李彦宏,邱丽荣,周桃庚,赵维谦.激光差动共焦反射式超大曲率半径测量系统研制[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(5):1-8
Development of laser reflection differential confocalultra-large radius measurement system
中文关键词:  差动共焦  反射式  超大曲率半径  定焦  测量系统
英文关键词:differential confocal  reflection  ultra-large radius  focusing  measurement system
卜乙禄 1.北京理工大学 光电学院 精密光电测试仪器及技术北京市重点实验室 
李 琦 1.北京理工大学 光电学院 精密光电测试仪器及技术北京市重点实验室 
李彦宏 1.北京理工大学 光电学院 精密光电测试仪器及技术北京市重点实验室 
邱丽荣 1.北京理工大学 光电学院 精密光电测试仪器及技术北京市重点实验室 
周桃庚 1.北京理工大学 光电学院 精密光电测试仪器及技术北京市重点实验室 
赵维谦 1.北京理工大学 光电学院 精密光电测试仪器及技术北京市重点实验室 
Bu Yilu 1.Beijing Key Lab for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology 
Li Qi 1.Beijing Key Lab for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology 
Li Yanhong 1.Beijing Key Lab for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology 
Qiu Lirong 1.Beijing Key Lab for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology 
Zhou Taogeng 1.Beijing Key Lab for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology 
Zhao Weiqian 1.Beijing Key Lab for Precision Optoelectronic Measurement Instrument and Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology 
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      针对球面超大曲率半径测量中存在的测量精度低、抗环境干扰能力差的难题,研制了一套激光差动共焦反射式超大曲 率半径测量系统。 该系统采用反射式测量光路,利用差动共焦响应曲线对被测件的猫眼和反射位置进行高精度定位,并用测长 干涉仪记录位置信息,最后结合物镜顶焦距解算出超大曲率半径值。 理论分析与实验表明,该系统定焦精度高,测量范围大,抗 环境干扰能力强,相对测量误差优于 2×10 -4 ,-15 m 超大曲率半径测量结果的重复性可达 1. 2×10 -4 ,实现了超大曲率半径的高 精度测量。
      To solve the low measurement accuracy and poor resistance to environmental interference in the ultra-large radius measurement field, a laser reflection differential confocal ultra-large radius measurement system is developed. The system adopts reflective measuring optical path, and uses the curve of the differential confocal system to precisely locate the cat􀆳s-eye and reflection positions of the tested device. The displacement information of the tested device is recorded by interferometer, and then combined with the vertex focal length of the objective lens to calculate the ultra-large radius value. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the system has high focusing accuracy and large measurement range and high anti-environment interference ability, and its relative measurement error is less than 2×10 -4 , and its measuring repeatability reaches at 1. 2 × 10 -4 for - 15 m ultra-large radius, and the system realizes the highprecision measurement of ultra-large curvature radius.
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