H∞ robust voltage control for DC/AC inverter in islanded microgrid
中文关键词:  孤岛微网  二次电压调节  负荷扰动  参数摄动  H∞鲁棒控制
英文关键词:islanded microgrid  secondary voltage regulation  load disturbance  parameter perturbation  H∞ robust control
邓玮璍 1.上海电力大学电气工程学院 
周江林 1.上海电力大学电气工程学院 
Deng Weihua 1.College of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power 
Zhou Jianglin 1.College of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power 
摘要点击次数: 311
全文下载次数: 784
      The performance of the DC/AC inverter control strategy has a significant influence on the voltage level of the islanded microgrid system. The traditional PI control in voltage loop cannot meet the system performance requirement under load disturbance or parameter perturbation. Aiming at this problem, a voltage H∞ robust control method for the DC/AC inverter in islanded microgrid is proposed. A centralized secondary voltage regulation is used to restore the voltage deviation caused by conventional droop control. By considering the load current as the external disturbance input, the simplified mathematical state space model of the island microgrid is established. Then, a voltage H∞ robust controller is designed by selected weighting functionsbased on the mixed sensitivity optimization problem, which can improve the ability of DC/AC inverter so that its robust performance can be optimized under the system parameter perturbation. Finally, the numerical simulation result shows that the proposed strategy is feasible and the H∞ robust controller is of the stronger stability under disturbance.
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