Modal analysis and hanger location optimization of a car exhaust system
中文关键词:  排气系统  模态分析  平均驱动自由度法  悬挂位置优化
英文关键词:exhaust system  modal analysis  ADDOFD method  hanger location optimization
方彦奎 1.华南理工大学广州学院汽车与交通工程学院 
李长玉 1.华南理工大学广州学院汽车与交通工程学院 
Fang Yankui 1.College of Automotive and Traffic Engineering,Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology 
Li Changyu 1.College of Automotive and Traffic Engineering,Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology 
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      为进行排气系统模态分析,分别通过有限元计算和实验测量得到了某轿车排气系统0~200 Hz的模态参数。通过比较发现,两种方法得到的系统各阶固有频率误差均小于10%,振型相似,证明了排气系统有限元模型的正确性和可靠性。然后,利用ADOFDD方法初步确定了排气系统的4个悬挂的位置,为了验证悬挂位置是否合理,建立了包括动力总成的排气系统的有限元模型,对吊耳进行了静态仿真计算,结果表明,其中两个吊耳静变形超过35 mm的工程极限,增加一个悬挂进行优化后,5个吊耳的静变形和应力改善率均在13%以上。研究方法对于轿车排气系统前期开发,悬挂位置的选择具有一定的参考价值。
      In order to carry out the modal analysis of the exhaust system, the modal parameters of a car exhaust system at 0~200 Hz are obtained by finite element calculation and experimental measurement respectively. By comparison, it is found that the errors of natural frequencies of each order obtained by the two methods are less than 10%, and the mode shapes are identical, which proves that the finite element model of exhaust system is correct and reliable. Afterwards, four hangers’ locations of exhaust system are preliminarily determined by means of ADDOFD method. In order to validate whether the hanger’s location is reasonable or not,a finite element model of exhaust system including power assembly is established for static simulation calculation of hanger lugs, it is found that the deformation of two hanger lugs exceeds the engineering limit of 35mm. After adding one hanger for optimization, the static deformation and stress improvement percentage of the five hanger lugs are more than 13%. The research method has certain reference value for the early development and the selection of hanger location of a car exhaust system.
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