Local path planning based on multi layer VSA-Morphin algorithm
中文关键词:  多层Morphin算法  多层VSA-Morphin算法  局部路径规划
英文关键词:Multi-layer Morphin algorithm  multi-layer VSA-Morphin algorithm  local path planning
邝先验 1.江西理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
欧阳鹏 1.江西理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
周亚龙 1.江西理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
罗会超 1.江西理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
Kuang Xianyan 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology 
Ouyang Peng 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology 
Zhou Yalong 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology 
Luo Huichao 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology 
摘要点击次数: 477
全文下载次数: 1
      多层Morphin算法扩展了对未知环境的预测范围,克服了传统Morphin算法搜索轨迹不灵活的缺点,但每个搜索节点生成的搜索弧数目固定,搜索和评估所花费的时间随着搜索层数的增多呈指数阶增加。针对该问题,提出了一种可变搜索弧Morphin算法(variable search arc of Morphin,VSA Morphin)。调整每层搜索节点生成的搜索弧数目,使之不再固定,而是随着层数增加而减少,从而缩短搜索和评估时间。利用MATLAB仿真测试表明,多层VSA Morphin算法与多层Morphin算法所规划的路径基本一致,但运行时间却相对更少,从而验证了多层VSA Morphin算法的有效性和正确性。
      The multi-layer Morphin algorithm extends the prediction range of the unknown environment and overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional Morphin algorithm′s invisible search trajectory. However, the number of search arcs generated by each search node is fixed, and the time spent searching and evaluating varies with the number of search layers. The increase is exponentially increasing. Aiming at this problem, a variable search arc of Morphin (VSA Morphin) is proposed. The number of search arcs generated by each search node is adjusted so that it is no longer fixed, but decreases as the number of layers increases, thereby shortening the search and evaluation time. The simulation results of MATLAB show that the multi layer VSA Morphin algorithm is basically consistent with the path planned by the multi layer Morphin algorithm, but the running time is relatively less, thus verifying the validity and correctness of the multi layer VSA Morphin algorithm.
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