Improved micro-motion period estimation method for space targets with compound motion
中文关键词:  进动  微多普勒  参数估计
英文关键词:compound motion  micro motion  translation  period estimation
赵燕 1.河南交通职业技术学院 
龙桂铃 2.宜春学院 
Zhao Yan 1.Henan College of Transportation 
Long Guiling 2.Yichun University 
摘要点击次数: 885
全文下载次数: 1
      Problem: A micro motion period estimation based on the Viterbi algorithm and the time frequency squared difference sequence is proposed. Procedure and method: The micro motion states of the radar target is dependent on the dynamics, structure of the target, and they are usually different for different targets. As a result, the micro motion states reflect some important information of the target and can be used to aid the target detection and recognition, which has a great importance. In the research of the micro motion features, space targets such as missile are hot points. Numerous micro motion feature extraction methods for space targets are published. Usually, the motion of the space target is compound of the translation and the micro motion. The implication of the translation on the micro motion feature extraction should be considered. This work focuses on the space target with compound motion. A micro motion period estimation based on the Viterbi algorithm and the time frequency squared difference sequence is proposed, in which the Viterbi algorithm can provide robust instantaneous Doppler estimation in low signal to noise ratio (SNR) and the time frequency squared difference sequence can remove the effect of the translation. Thus, the proposed method has a good performance. Results: Numerical results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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