谢佳琪,尤 伟,沈长青,朱忠奎.基于改进卷积深度置信网络的轴承故障诊断研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(2):36-43
Bearing fault diagnosis based on improved convolution deep belief network
中文关键词:  故障诊断  轴承  特征学习  卷积深度置信网络
英文关键词:mechanical fault diagnosis  bearing  feature learning  convolution deep belief network
谢佳琪 1.苏州大学轨道交通学院 
尤 伟 1.苏州大学轨道交通学院 
沈长青 1.苏州大学轨道交通学院 
朱忠奎 1.苏州大学轨道交通学院 
Xie Jiaqi 1.School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University 
You Wei 2.School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University 
Shen Changqing 3.School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University 
Zhu Zhongkui 4.School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University 
摘要点击次数: 699
全文下载次数: 1
      Mechanical equipment fault detection is of great significance in industrial applications. The traditional fault diagnosis method based on vibration signal processing and analysis relies on rich professional knowledge and artificial experience, and it is difficult to achieve accurate feature extraction and fault diagnosis. In this paper, the deep learning method can be used to automatically learn the characteristics of deep features from the data. A qualitative and quantitative diagnosis method for rolling bearing faults based on improved convolution deep belief network is proposed. First, in order to provide better shallow inputs, the original vibration signal is converted to the frequency domain signal by the fast Fourier transform. Secondly, in the process of model training, the Adam optimizer is introduced to speed up the model training and improve the convergence speed of the model. Finally, in order to make full use of the characterization capabilities of each layer, the model structure is optimized to come up with a multi layer feature and fusion learning structure is proposed to improve the generalization ability of the model. The experimental results show that the proposed improved model has better diagnostic accuracy than the traditional stack autoencoder (SAE), artificial neural network (ANN), deep belief network (DBN) and standard convolution deep belief network (CDBN). It has better diagnostic accuracy and effectively realizes qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of bearing faults.
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